About OntapiT
Who is OntapiT
Lifecycle Services Paridigm
Delivering better business performance, through effective use of people, process and technology
Why OntapiT
About OntapIT Consulting

Delivering better business performance, through effective use of people, process and technology

OntapIT is a multi-disciplined consultancy that drives innovation through the application of Business based solutions, not technology plays.

OntapIT takes the most effective and appropriate Industry practices, and ensures they deliver on Business objectives, not technological ones.

OntapIT has access to some of the Industry's best business people, not typical consultants.

OntapIT wants to add value to what you and your company does, if we can't, we will tell you.

OnapIT uses solutions to free business from typical technology issues that constraint it.

Technology is there to serve business, so take a fresh approach to IT and make it do what your business needs to by using OntapIT's services to unleash your business potential.